Hi. I'm Caleb Stokes. I'm the sole full-time employee of Hebanon Games. The talented people I hire to help me have enabled me to make a lot of games in a lot of different genres. All of which you can get here, and our continuing efforts plan to make this Itch.io storefront a big part of our releases going forward.
Hebanon Games is about having an open design process. You can hear me talk and write about what we're doing all over the internet.
Hebanon Games Open Design (hgod): Where we write, design and fuck up games in real time. Hear how an RPG gets made, live.
Delta Green Delta Channels (dgdc): Arc Dream Publishing pays me to turn my anxiety disorder into nihilistic horror scenarios about a wasting American Empire at the heart of a dying universe....And it's working! Come listen!
I'm excited to have a storefront on Itch.io. Please enjoy our previous releases, and look for new games to arrive soon!